My name is Megan and I photograph businesses owned by people, like me, who wear their hearts on their sleeves.  While I love what I do, I don't believe that life should be strictly business.  My favorite brand stories are deeply personal, interwoven with details about the people behind the scenes and moments that take their audience beyond the basics.  I believe that the best brand photography highlights the spirit of the work and follows a purposeful, emotion-filled narrative where you and yours are the center.  Every detail matters, especially the ones that you think don't.  So, before you give me the honor of telling your story, here's a little bit of mine.

I truly love my business, but I love so much more than that.



hey there

Together, we'll dive under the surface, getting to the core of what makes you, you.

I'm 30 years old and I'm happiest when I'm outside with sun on my skin and wind in my hair. I'm a Leo. See also: I'm loyal to a fault. I’m a big fan of quiet mornings at home with Jax aka my office manager. When I’m not cooking or cozied up, you can find me thrifting, supporting my local clients, or walking around town with my man and a cigar in hand…never without a black coffee from Rise Up. Dirty gin martinis (stirred not shaken), hot yoga, simplifying my space, driving down Coastal Highway with music blasting, and soaking up every moment of this little life: these are a few of my favorite things.

I wear my heart on my sleeve and it took me until my mid-twenties to embrace everything that makes me, me. My laugh is loud, my hair is crazy, I feel everything strongly, and love my people ever more fiercely.  I notice, and frankly live for, the little moments in life. How to sum it up? I know that life is short so I choose to live it with a lot of empathy, passion, and intention so I can thrive instead of just surviving.

Kick off your shoes, and get to know me.


Learning to share your story with intention, pride, and purpose feels like freedom.  

When I'm not helping businesses create brand content, you can find me taking the long way home with the windows down and my radio all the way up. My evenings are most often spent at home with a glass of wine in hand, cooking dinner with music playing softly.  I love spending days on the beach with a business book, a cold one, and a Monte Cristo White Series watching the light dance on the water.  My favorite mornings are spent slow, sabering a bottle of champagne with my love and listening to Miles Davis while I cook breakfast.  

It all comes down to savoring the little moments for me.  I truly believe that the best things in life are the simple things.  That love for the "day-to-day" moments is a driving force in my approach to documenting my clients' brand stories. Why? Simply put, because there is beauty in everything if you take the time to look for it.

I'm all about
the little things...

it might sound cliche but

i'm an open book

i'm an open book

it might sound cliche but

i'm about business and pleasure

my brand ethos

It’s hard to whittle it all down sometimes. To show the world the complexities and nuances of exactly who you are, what you’ve worked to build, and how special it all is. Heartbeat Branding Co. exists to give shape and form to those details through high-end photography in a way that can be shared and communicated with intention, pride, and ease.

"Images are our palette and canvas, each one a visual poem that speaks volumes on its own."

"Content creation is a mindful art, each post crafted to inspire and empower."

"Engagement isn't just interaction, it's a shared journey of creativity and expression."

"Growth stems from exploration, constantly pushing boundaries for fresh creativity."

02.shadow play

love. love. love.

03. poppin' bottles

01. my office manager

Slow mornings with my boy.

Moments of Silence Spent Together,

European Architecture,

Laughing With Friends Until I Cry,

Double Shots of Espresso,

these are a few of my favorite things





I began to shift my focus to highlight more established brands: established in the sense that they knew who they were and where they wanted to go. 


I went full time with the company and began to work with solopreneurs in the Dover area.  Real estate agents, service providers, you name it, I did it.


In September 2019, Heartbeat Branding Co. was founded while I was working for a local wedding photographer and saw that business owners needed help with content creation.


heartbeat over the years

Follow along on Instagram to stay up to date with booking schedules and to be inspired by current projects.  Things get personal over there too sometimes so I'd love to have you friend.

Cheers to being social!